"Specialists in High Integrity Offshore Launch and Recovery Solutions"
Hyperbaric Reception Facilities (HRFs)
Hyperbaric Reception Facilities (HRFs), also called Hyperbaric Rescue Facilities are units that are generally portable and modular and allow for the mating/recieving/docking of Hyperbaric Lifeboats(HLBs), Self Propelled Hyperbaric Lifeboats (SPHLBs), or Hyperbaric Rescue Capsules (HRCs).The facility is generally located at a port where a Hyperbaric Rescue Vessel (HRV) can berth and unload the stowed lifeboat/HRC.

Hyperbaric Reception Facility with SPHL mated

HRF Hyperbaric Reception Facility

Hyperbaric Reception Facility with SPHL mated
Thrust Maritime are aware of the following permanent HRFs:
National Hyperbaric Centre Ltd. (Aberdeen, Scotland); and
Norwegian Underwater Intervention AS (NUI), based in Bergen, Norway.
Sea-Force Hyperbaric Inc, based in St.Johns, Canada
Thrust Maritime are aware of the following HRF manufacturers:
Hallin Marine
Mirmir Marine Pty. Ltd.
Please note that the above lists may not include all manufacturers/facilities - please let us know if you are missing!
We have successfully installed a clients HRFon board a HRV (refer: project listing); which allows the dive team to commence decompression and or have medical support within 2 hours of any evacuation. This solution is particularly beneficial for remote saturation diving operations. Having successfully completed such an intergration, along with full trials, Classification Society certification and independent audits by KB associates, we are aware of the challenges and are are suitably placed to add value to any such similar project.
Don't hesitate to contact us for further discussion.