"Specialists in High Integrity Offshore Launch and Recovery Solutions"
A-Frame / Hyperbaric Recovery Projects
(Date is offshore commencement date)
July 2017
Project: PTTEP Saturation Diving Campign
Location: Western Australia
Operator: PTTEP
Diving Contractor: Sapura Energy Australia Pty. Ltd.
Function: Hyperbaric Rescue Vessel for 1050 Sidemating Oceanwide SPHL
HRV: Go Capella
Water Depth: Circa 80msw
DSV: SapuraKencana Constructor
June 2017
Project: INPEX IRM
Location: Western Australia
Operator: INPEX
Diving Contractor: DOF Subsea Australia Pty. Ltd.
Function: Hyperbaric Rescue Capability for 1050 Bottom mating Oceanwide SPHL
HRV: Nor Australis
Water Depth: 270msw
DSV: Skandi Singapore
October 2016
Project: Framo Multiphase Pump Changeout
Location: Western Australia
Client: Woodside Energy Ltd.
Field: Vincent, located NW of Exmouth, WA
Vessel: Nor Australis
Water depth: 363msw
Summary: Installation and operation of large A-Frame and articulating guide wire system onto the Nor Australis for recovery of Framo Multiphase Pumps. The system was rated for recovery up to 2.5m Hs which given the size and weight of the pumps was innovative. Recovery using the guide wire systems worked extremely well with zero downtime experienced on the project.
March 2016
Project: Badamyar Low Compression Module
Location: Myanmar
Operator: Total
Prime Contractor: SapuraAcergy (Subsea7 / SapuraKencana Joint Venture)
Diving Contractor: SapuraKencana Allied Marine
Hyperbaric Recovery Vessel: Surf Panglima
Vessel Owner: Bourbon
Function: Hyperbaric Recovery for Saturation Diving
Dive Suport Vessel: Sapura 3000
Notes: This project involved a world first of installing a HRF on the HRV. This provides the capability to commence decompression of the dive team within 2 hours of a hyperbaric evacuation. Further information available here: Linkedin-post
October 2015
Project: John Brookes
Operator: Quadrant
Prime Contractor: SapuraKencana
Diving Contractor: Shelf Subsea Pty. Ltd.
Hyperbaric Recovery Vessel: Outer Limit
Vessel Owner: Offshore Unlimited
Function: Hyperbaric Recovery for Saturation Diving
Dive Suport Vessel: SapuraKencana Constructor (SKC)
September 2015
Project: Maharaja Lela South Project
Operator: Total E&P Borneo B.V.
Prime Contractor: SapuraAcergy Bdn
Diving Contractor: Boskalis Offshore
Hyperbaric Recovery Vessel: Lewek Avior
Vessel Owner: EMAS
Function: Hyperbaric Recovery for Saturation Diving
Dive Suport Vessel: Sapura3000
October 2014
Operator: Woodside Energy Ltd.
Diving Contractor: DOF Subsea
Hyperbaric Recovery Vessel: Outer Limit
Function: Hyperbaric Recovery for Saturation diving campaign
Location: North West Shelf - Australia
Diving Support Vessel: Nor Australis
Operator: Chevron
Contractor: Oceanic Subsea
Vessel: Outer Limit
Function: Deployment of concrete subsea mattresses
Location: North West Shelf - Australia
Operator: BP
Contractor: Offshore Unlimited
Vessel: Outer Limit
Function: Geotechnical survey
Location: Great Australian Bight - South Australia
Operator: Woodside Energy Ltd.
Diving Contractor: DOF Subsea
Vessel: Outer Limit
Function: Hyperbaric Recovery for Saturation diving campaign
Location: North West Shelf - Australia
Diving Support Vessel: Nor Australis
Operator: Woodside Energy Ltd.
Diving Contractor: DOF Subsea
Vessel: Outer Limit
Function: Hyperbaric Recovery for Saturation diving campaign
Location: North West Shelf - Australia
Diving Support Vessel: Nor Australis
Operator: Nexus Energy Ltd.
Diving Contractor: DOF Subsea
Vessel: Mermaid Vision
Function: Hyperbaric Recovery for Saturation diving campaign
Location: Bass Strait
Diving Support Vessel: Skandi Singapore
Operator: Santos Ltd.
Diving Contractor: DOF Subsea
Vessel: Mermaid Vision
Function: Hyperbaric Recovery for Saturation diving campaign
Location: Bass Strait
Diving Support Vessel: Skandi Singapore
Operator: Woodside Energy Ltd.
Diving Contractor: DOF Subsea
Vessel: Outer Limit
Function: Hyperbaric Recovery for Saturation diving campaign
Location: North West Shelf - Australia
Diving Support Vessel: Nor Australis
Operator: Origin Energy Ltd.
Diving Contractor: Sapura Kencana
Vessel: Mermaid Vision
Function: Hyperbaric Recovery for Saturation diving campaign
Location: Bass Strait
Diving Support Vessel: Normand Clough

Hyperbaric evacuation drills being conducted

Hyperbaric Recovery vessel (HRV) ready for supporting the Woodside Saturation diving campaign with the Nor Australis

Hyperbaric Recovery vessel (HRV) ready for supporting the Woodside Saturation diving campaign with the Nor Australis