"Specialists in High Integrity Offshore Launch and Recovery Solutions"
We have a large number of clump weights suitable for subsea use which are available for rental from our Dandenong South, Melbourrne, Victoria facility:
Qty of 1:
2.0t clump weight
Cylindrical body
Approx 825mm diameter body, lashing/pull points on side faces stick out further ~30mm on each side.
490mm height of body, central padeye sticks up 120mm higher.
Qty of 1:
5.6t clump weight
rectangular body
1230 x 1220mm footprint
845mm height (excluding padeyes), lift padeyes stick up further 65mm.
Side pull/lashing points are recessed.
Qty of 2:
7.25t clump weight
rectangular body
1100 x 1100mm footprint
1050mm height (excluding padeye), lift padeye sticks up further 260mm.
No side pull/lashing points.
Qty of 1:
10t clump weight
rectangular body
1200 x 1690mm footprint
890mm height (excluding padeyes), lift padeyes stick up further ~150mm.
Side pull/lashing points on short edges only.
Please contact us!